SCH3 #175

Hollywood Regional Park 36.153336, -115.023714

We've had a new (well, newly expanded) park in town for a while now, but no trails there. How about we do the first of this month's SCH3 trails there? […]

LVHHH #1668

#1668 Start 36.070282,-115.113056

No hare this Sat, no problem, said our worthy GM. Join MILFR in a short but fun trail. Bring the usual...$5, vessel, virgins, and a thirst for the golden nectar. […]

ASSH3 #119

Gold Spike 217 E Ogden Ave, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Cum hash with the ASS. This Friday we are celebrating our fearless GM Lick It To Beaver's birthday with a pubcrawl of sorts through DTLV! Start is in the Gold […]

LVHHH #1669

Desert Breeze Park 8275 W Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

No Hare, No Problem 5:00 show, 5:30 go Hare: Tough MILF Her Cum one and Cum all. Another trail to be had. Cum out and chase me to get some […]

LVHHH #1674

Cornerstone Park 1600 Wigwam Pkwy, Henderson, NV, United States

Prepare your livers and put on your best Halloween costumes as InstaGlam, Radioactits, and Asshole Chelsey take you on an adventure for the golden nectar! Trail will begin at the […]

LVHHH #1675

#1675 Start 35.979644, -114.986390

Nov 4th - Nov bday trail will be neither long nor hard (seriously- my knees are kinda f’d) but will win you over with golden nectar…more details to follow


Clark County Wetlands Park 7050 Wetlands Park Ln, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Save the date! I'm planning a fundraising bash with some rad co-hares as part of my lead up to election day. Details forthcumming...

LVHHH #1676

Lovelady Brewing 20 S Water St, Henderson, NV, United States

With No Hares signed up, a lovely stroll in downtown Henderson area we shall have. Prep your livers and get away from all the F1 craziness near the strip. Pick […]

SCH3 #176

Mountain Ridge Park 7151 Oso Blanca Rd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

You know her as Lick It.  Creamy knows her as Beaver.  In honor of the full moon known as the Beaver Moon and the ASSH3 GM, this trail is all […]

LVHHH #1677

#1677 Start 35.98450,-115.24299

Weasel's back in town and promises not to repeat his 7 miles of torture! Get to the box: Drive down south rainbow til it ends then go off roading - […]