Cum celebrate Koresh's 20th year of hashing in Las Vegas with a pub crawl that can only happen in Las Vegas - a 24-hour pub crawl. This will be a dead-hare, pay as you go, pub crawl. Meet for drinks and breakfast at the Hooters restaurant in the Hooters Hotel and Casino at 9 AM, […]
Your hares will be Money Shot & Pedi-File. Time: 3:00 p.m. Show, 3:30 go! Bring: $5, whistle, flashlight, vessel, water, & a thirst for the golden nectar. To get to the box:  Late Nite Trailhead Loop parking lot.  From the intersection of Hwy 159 and Hwy 160 (aka Blue Diamond Rd), go west on 160 about 4 miles. […]