Cum one and cum all of those that didn't go to the campout. We shall take a run through historic and photogenic areas. Bring the usual. Pre-lube will be at Hogs & Heifers. Park at start and walk over. Park underneath the freeway overpass. pictures below
It’s late in the season and we’ve all been spoiled with urban pool trails, air conditioned bars, cushy reclusive stuff. It’s cooling off (relative term) big time and we’re all acclimated right? Time to put on your shiggy shoes and become one with the desert again. The snakes will be coming out too! Let’s scurry […]
Meet at the Mountain Springs Trail Head for a Shaded Shiggy Escape from Vegastraz. Hares Numb Nutz and Have Shit Will Travel are going to take us on a shiggy adventure. Bring $5, vessel, virgin, visitors, flashlight, and a thirst for the golden nectar.
*** NOTICE *** EARLY START *** 3 PM show, 3:30 go *** YES, we have specialneeds!!! NuMb nUts and Have Shit/Will Travel get a second chance with a VIRGIN. Just Matt (Cute, Young Stupid--just like you like 'em) will find out what the flour is really for by Haring with these two seasoned masters of […]