SCH3 #168: Corn Moon

Sunset Park 36.063350, -115.115831

SCH3 on a weekend?  Yes...full moons sometimes happen on a weekend, and this one is right in between the SaTURDays that LVHHH (vlv!) does trail, so come get your trail on.  Information I've seen indicates the weather will be less dickish, too...another reason to get out and about. Meet up in the south parking lot […]

LVHHH #1641: 3rd Annual St. Hoppy’s Trail

#1641 Start 35.906389,-115.208889

* * * NOTE: EARLY START * * * 1 PM show, 1:30 go * * * Welcome to the 3rd annual St. Hoppy Trail. Your livers will be tested on this day. Trail shall be very shiggyrific!! Trail treasure and rewards to be had. A few wonderful and yummy surprises on trail as well. […]

ASSH3 #96

Doc Romeo Park 7400 Peak Dr, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Other Professor wants to show us what he's got! When asked if he has any Hare lies, he said "bring flippers for a water crossing and be prepared for a mountain climb" $5 Hash Cash or ASS Pass (IYKYK) Head(wsh?)lamp a thirst for leftover camp beer

ASSH3 #97

Desert Breeze Park 8275 W Spring Mountain Rd, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Shenanigans TBD bring: $5 Hash Cash or ASSPass a thirst for golden nectar

SCH3 #169: Hunter Moon

Bad Beat Brewing 7380 Eastgate Rd Ste 110, Henderson, NV, United States

Your tyrant is feeling more like a pub crawl than trail and no hashes have hit the Booze District in a bit, so how about we meet up at Bad Beat and go from there?  No hash cash, just bring money for beer.  Something different for a trail ending in 69 just seems appropriate. :)

2022 Las Vegas Red Dress Run

Golden Nugget 129 E Fremont St, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Go to for more information!

SCH3 #170: *** CANCELED ***

Your tyrant's back is killing him badly enough that he's taking a day off from work, so the outlook for trail tomorrow is not so good.  Let's try again next month.

ASSH3 #99

Nevada Trails Park 7075 W Mardon Ave, Las Vegas, NV, United States

doin the thang Bring: $5 Hash Cash or ASSPass Sturdy shoes head(wsh?)lamp thirst for golden nectar

LVHHH #1646

Joe's Bar 2851 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Your Hares: Dima and Milfer 3:00 show 3:30 go What to bring: Head Lamps Virgins Shiggy socks Strong Liver Thirst for the Golden Nectar

LVHHH #1647

Angel Park 241 S Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Well, wanks, it’s the end of an era  Join me in my celebration of life as a taught, youthful twink as I transition into the next stage of my gay life. My 30th birthday is on the 9th of Dec so I am aging out of the system and promptly entering the winter of my […]